Monday, November 21, 2011

Newspaper clips...

ZANJI TOK KADRI...a hillarious genre that brings tears in laughter in every single scene

Prosenium club members' exploration on the experiment theatre of the 'Bangsawan'

The most talked about theatre in 2004-2009 which entails the dominant female world of the semi spider species

Achievements in SOCIAL & CULTURAL


Suzana Mohd Suboh, PKC or known as Suezanna M.S is the pioneer and Chairman of Kelab Teater Prosenium ShahPutra. She is also  one of the “Jurulatih Seni Budaya Negara” in Pahang. She has written and produced a number of radio, tv and theatre scripts, poems and songs. In fact, all the performances staged by the club are from her creative writing. Suzana is a lecturer by profession, a graduate of Bachelor of Arts (English & Education), Canterbury University, New Zealand who is currently pursuing Masters in Education (TESL) at University Teknology Malaysia.

With her continuous contributions and recognized work in the entertainment arena, she was nominated as Anugerah Sastrawan Negara in 2 categories: Pengarah Muda & Penulis Skrip Muda in 2008. Hence, she was conferred with the Pahang Royal title of PKC (Pingat Khidmat Cemerlang) the very same year. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Welcome to



I believe the children are our future,
teach them well & let them lead the way,
Show them all the beauty they possess inside,
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier,
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be...

Those are not mere lyrics to be sung but they are more than just words that carry deep philosophical meanings behind them.I believe that children are unique individuals who need to feel secured, cared, nurtured & stimulated emotionally, physically, socially, spiritually & intellectually.

Teaching is a lifelong learning process of learning about new philosophies and new strategies. It is about learning from people, cultures observed & experience itself. It is therefore, our duty as educator, to open our children's minds so that they can perceive the world uniquely with diversity of ideas..
